The Mate Debate
Basically, central 6 as all you folks might have noticed have been constantly revolving around the pepetuous allegations of "innocent" victims, whom we managed to land a photo or two of. So for a change, and as a start of the evolution of Me and lionel have decided to go for a lil change in the content that actually makes its way onto central6.
The Mate Debate! The question's that's been looming, over all of our pathetic minds, ever since we got in touch with our sexuality, and as for most girls, its ever since they got in touch with the notion of dreaming. Both me and lionel were sipping over some Iced Lemon Tea when we got down to talking about girls AGAIN, yes again, what else? (STFU for all of you who think tt we're desperate cos we're not) . Anyway for details on what actually went on, visit
Somehow our conversation as always without the inteference of disruptive individuals (aka Mr Chalk and Duster), managed to transcend into a serious debate about what kind of girls are we actually looking for, and before i bore you with any details of our preferences and dislikes. I'd like to pose the questions that our conversation very much revolved upon.
Are Girls who Club reliable? Trustworthy? And how decent is decent? Would you want a girlfriend who clubs? or a Girlfriend who doesn't?
Firstly, are girls who club reliable? For those of you fuckheads who are thinking of reliable in the terms of being a "reliably good fuck", i think you should fuck your mum right now. Reliability in the sense that are they are relatively decent, reliable in mantaining the sole right to their "lil down south lips" to just you, or are they the kinda girls who'd just let themselves get slimed and fucked when they get drunk and depress right after a quarrel they had with you during dinner.
I personally feel that it really boils down to trust, above all ( yea yea, all of u are probably thinking tt i'm a moron now). But its inevitably true, it really depends on how much you trust your gf that makes her reliable and how much of that trust is actually correctly placed. And for me, i'd love a gf who can club, dance, and drink like a fish (who obviously wouldn't cheat on me as well). A girl friend i could relate to basically.
However, Lionel on the other hand, mantains that girls who club often enough, and by enough i mean anithing more than 4 times a year have the basic tendency to evolve into sluts. I vehemently disputed this at first, however, after he painted a beautiful scenario as follows, i was kinda swayed:
You quarrel with your girlfriend
She goes out with her friends clubbing to "let loose" and by hell i mean LET HER SELF BE LOOSE
She bumps into an old flame, (one whom the had sth really going but had to end due to the infamous "CIRCUMSTANTIAL REASONS"
They have a lil chat ( mostly about you being a jackass), accompanied by some alcohol which we all know are aphrodisiacs
They get a lil tipsy, she lies on his shoulder and she gazes into his eyes and he gazes back.
They FUCK.
End of story.
Possible scenario, in fact very possible, and the worst part is, she doesnt even have to fuck him, a long wet smouldering luscious passionate battle of their tongues would constitute enough infidelity than one could take. So now you realise why i was wavered. Lionel had then gone on to insist that without the inclinations to club, the chances of the boyfriend putting on a green fucking condom on his head would be greatly reduced. Yea it probably would, BUT picture this:
Boy and Girl quarrels
Girl calls up her "best guy friend"
"best guy friends are usually losers who onced like the girl but lost her to you but he managed to worm his way into her heart, and probably lips, just not into her pants" basically they are losers
Best guy friend picks her up in his nice car - usually better than yours
He brings her to some secluded spot in Pulau tekong, parks his car there and starts comforting her.
Soon enough, his shoulders would seem like just the spot your girlfriend would be SO LIE ON.
Then she'll start complaining about you and how he's better than you in wadeva fuck shit aspects. (like he's got a greater personality while your just plain good looking, like he's got a short dick but yours is a monster dick) --- girls, they love to make whoever they're with seem good -- WHORES
Anyway, then before you know it, they'd be fornicating like how chow licks his fingers whenever he sees this tutorial mate of ours -- trust me you DO NOT want to see her.
END of story again.
Which basically leaves both me and lionel a little confused, so... is a girl who loves clubbing a minus point or just something neutral. TO me, it doesnt matter, but to lionel yes it does, so all you whores who are actually thinking of being his gfs you better think twice about mentioning anithing about Zouk or MOS in front of him maybe accept for "I HATE ZOUK and MOS". But for those of you who just wanna get into our pants, just whisper in ou ears. i love CLubbing. We'll get the msg.
For chalk however, just tell him u have a pussy, doesnt really matter what planet ure from or how many sores you have in ure loosely hung pussy as long as u have one.
Back to what i was talking about, so basically, it really boils down to the true decency of the girl, i mean she could be a whore that just hates, clubbing or a really decent girl that thrives on Tiesto. So the question now is then how decent is decent and how decent are you guys willing to accept.
Here at central 6 we appreciate ure comments as well as undying support, hence, we'd love for you to comment appropriately according to our content and pls for this post. Dun type something like.... "haha you guys have a serious side" FUCK YOU, we know that so shut the fuck up for christ's sake, or any of those brainless comments like "haha... so cool" just bcos your fucking pea brain is probably puzzled by anithing more complicated than breathing.
With that, tune in more, as we slowly figure out the IDEAL CHICK, and for those of you who actually post something constructive, we'd try to mention it in our next post, or consider any ideas you might have. CHEERS
The Mate Debate! The question's that's been looming, over all of our pathetic minds, ever since we got in touch with our sexuality, and as for most girls, its ever since they got in touch with the notion of dreaming. Both me and lionel were sipping over some Iced Lemon Tea when we got down to talking about girls AGAIN, yes again, what else? (STFU for all of you who think tt we're desperate cos we're not) . Anyway for details on what actually went on, visit
Somehow our conversation as always without the inteference of disruptive individuals (aka Mr Chalk and Duster), managed to transcend into a serious debate about what kind of girls are we actually looking for, and before i bore you with any details of our preferences and dislikes. I'd like to pose the questions that our conversation very much revolved upon.
Are Girls who Club reliable? Trustworthy? And how decent is decent? Would you want a girlfriend who clubs? or a Girlfriend who doesn't?
Firstly, are girls who club reliable? For those of you fuckheads who are thinking of reliable in the terms of being a "reliably good fuck", i think you should fuck your mum right now. Reliability in the sense that are they are relatively decent, reliable in mantaining the sole right to their "lil down south lips" to just you, or are they the kinda girls who'd just let themselves get slimed and fucked when they get drunk and depress right after a quarrel they had with you during dinner.
I personally feel that it really boils down to trust, above all ( yea yea, all of u are probably thinking tt i'm a moron now). But its inevitably true, it really depends on how much you trust your gf that makes her reliable and how much of that trust is actually correctly placed. And for me, i'd love a gf who can club, dance, and drink like a fish (who obviously wouldn't cheat on me as well). A girl friend i could relate to basically.
However, Lionel on the other hand, mantains that girls who club often enough, and by enough i mean anithing more than 4 times a year have the basic tendency to evolve into sluts. I vehemently disputed this at first, however, after he painted a beautiful scenario as follows, i was kinda swayed:
You quarrel with your girlfriend
She goes out with her friends clubbing to "let loose" and by hell i mean LET HER SELF BE LOOSE
She bumps into an old flame, (one whom the had sth really going but had to end due to the infamous "CIRCUMSTANTIAL REASONS"
They have a lil chat ( mostly about you being a jackass), accompanied by some alcohol which we all know are aphrodisiacs
They get a lil tipsy, she lies on his shoulder and she gazes into his eyes and he gazes back.
They FUCK.
End of story.
Possible scenario, in fact very possible, and the worst part is, she doesnt even have to fuck him, a long wet smouldering luscious passionate battle of their tongues would constitute enough infidelity than one could take. So now you realise why i was wavered. Lionel had then gone on to insist that without the inclinations to club, the chances of the boyfriend putting on a green fucking condom on his head would be greatly reduced. Yea it probably would, BUT picture this:
Boy and Girl quarrels
Girl calls up her "best guy friend"
"best guy friends are usually losers who onced like the girl but lost her to you but he managed to worm his way into her heart, and probably lips, just not into her pants" basically they are losers
Best guy friend picks her up in his nice car - usually better than yours
He brings her to some secluded spot in Pulau tekong, parks his car there and starts comforting her.
Soon enough, his shoulders would seem like just the spot your girlfriend would be SO LIE ON.
Then she'll start complaining about you and how he's better than you in wadeva fuck shit aspects. (like he's got a greater personality while your just plain good looking, like he's got a short dick but yours is a monster dick) --- girls, they love to make whoever they're with seem good -- WHORES
Anyway, then before you know it, they'd be fornicating like how chow licks his fingers whenever he sees this tutorial mate of ours -- trust me you DO NOT want to see her.
END of story again.
Which basically leaves both me and lionel a little confused, so... is a girl who loves clubbing a minus point or just something neutral. TO me, it doesnt matter, but to lionel yes it does, so all you whores who are actually thinking of being his gfs you better think twice about mentioning anithing about Zouk or MOS in front of him maybe accept for "I HATE ZOUK and MOS". But for those of you who just wanna get into our pants, just whisper in ou ears. i love CLubbing. We'll get the msg.
For chalk however, just tell him u have a pussy, doesnt really matter what planet ure from or how many sores you have in ure loosely hung pussy as long as u have one.
Back to what i was talking about, so basically, it really boils down to the true decency of the girl, i mean she could be a whore that just hates, clubbing or a really decent girl that thrives on Tiesto. So the question now is then how decent is decent and how decent are you guys willing to accept.
Here at central 6 we appreciate ure comments as well as undying support, hence, we'd love for you to comment appropriately according to our content and pls for this post. Dun type something like.... "haha you guys have a serious side" FUCK YOU, we know that so shut the fuck up for christ's sake, or any of those brainless comments like "haha... so cool" just bcos your fucking pea brain is probably puzzled by anithing more complicated than breathing.
With that, tune in more, as we slowly figure out the IDEAL CHICK, and for those of you who actually post something constructive, we'd try to mention it in our next post, or consider any ideas you might have. CHEERS