Diving in Aceh
Nerf: "Chow is how serious about his job! Go all the way to Aceh to report on the hardships, the humanitarian situation - gritty real-life reporter style leh!"
Chow: "Actually, I went Aceh for the diving hahahaha..."
Nerf: "..."
The aforementioned conversation took place a month back, at an Old Chang Kee stall outside of Far East Plaza. It appeared to be a seemingly innocuous revelation. Or was it? As a team of elite shit-stirrers, the C6 team's keen instinct for gossip is beyond compare. Consider the following...
Aceh - A hotbed of poverty and corruption following various accounts of rescue funds disappearing 'mysteriously' whilst under the jurisdiction of the Indonesian military.
Aceh - Home to thousands of poor, homeless and nubile young girls, many of whom lost their kin and kith during (and in the aftermath of) the tsunami.
Aceh - A nymphomaniac's dream come true?
Bearing this in mind, Team C6 cast its feelers out far and wide. Given the meticulous sweep of Central 6's resources, it was only a matter of time before we uncovered this incriminating photo of Chow's Acehnesemuffdiving trip:

Oh. My. God. Say it with me - OHMYGOD.
For the blur cocks who don't quite see it:

Given the above evidence, Central 6 thus concludes that there clearly exists more than one way to enjoy the sport of 'diving'. Maybe Chow needed to get rid of some 'dive weight' residing in his lower body? Maybe the girl was hungry for Chow's 'Sea Cucumber'? Who knows? Either way, it's now clear that when it comes to Chow, there's always more to it than meets the eye... And so now we all know that, whenever Destiny's Chow asks you if you wanna join him on a diving trip, you'd better be careful, 'cuz...
Chow: "Actually, I went Aceh for the diving hahahaha..."
Nerf: "..."
The aforementioned conversation took place a month back, at an Old Chang Kee stall outside of Far East Plaza. It appeared to be a seemingly innocuous revelation. Or was it? As a team of elite shit-stirrers, the C6 team's keen instinct for gossip is beyond compare. Consider the following...
Aceh - A hotbed of poverty and corruption following various accounts of rescue funds disappearing 'mysteriously' whilst under the jurisdiction of the Indonesian military.
Aceh - Home to thousands of poor, homeless and nubile young girls, many of whom lost their kin and kith during (and in the aftermath of) the tsunami.
Aceh - A nymphomaniac's dream come true?
Bearing this in mind, Team C6 cast its feelers out far and wide. Given the meticulous sweep of Central 6's resources, it was only a matter of time before we uncovered this incriminating photo of Chow's Acehnese

Oh. My. God. Say it with me - OHMYGOD.
For the blur cocks who don't quite see it:

Given the above evidence, Central 6 thus concludes that there clearly exists more than one way to enjoy the sport of 'diving'. Maybe Chow needed to get rid of some 'dive weight' residing in his lower body? Maybe the girl was hungry for Chow's 'Sea Cucumber'? Who knows? Either way, it's now clear that when it comes to Chow, there's always more to it than meets the eye... And so now we all know that, whenever Destiny's Chow asks you if you wanna join him on a diving trip, you'd better be careful, 'cuz...
I would like to clarify that the above mentioned term: "Mr Chow's Sea Cucumber" is highly inaccurate. It shld be "Mr Chow's Sea CUMcuber". Meanwhile, no cucumbers, land or sea, has been hurt. Thank you.
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