Friday, July 27, 2007

YES WE"re BACK mofos....

In the spirit of a ressurection... just an update of what the crew's been up to

Wongcheok - Happily attached?
Chalk - Happily attached too? but we know chalk.... being attached is but theres' no such
thing as being attached FOR LONG at least
Chow - Well MVP CHOW CHEEEEEHONNNNGGGG on his way to getting laid by some
banker chick or so we heard from the grape vine.

And me? - Hah.... time for a revelation... YES it's true...
The Botak's a molester
a rapist
an arsonist
a serial "get-girls-drunk-and-grope-them" kinda guy
but to top it up.... he's definately GAY

Now that you've caught a glimpse of what we've been up to of late...

Here's a visual...

CAN U DIGG IT SUCKAs...... Its been featured on U-weekly btw....


Monday, July 23, 2007

New Beginnings (Again)

The word is out - Central 6 is back.

New cast and crew, of course. Considering that we've 2 founding members outta school now, we're definitely on the prowl for new blood. Anyone willing to contribute... or rather, willing to commit flagrant gossip-mongering with the remaining 2 members, do step up and let us know.

A word of advice for any would-be female applicants, though - rumor has it that the Nerf and the Cheok are part of a clandestine fraternity who apparently 'make girls drunk and do funny things to them'.

Then again, I once was accused of being FASS' resident genius drug dealer, so go figure.

Parameters definitely have to change. For instance, it appears that new members notwithstanding, the Nerf will be the sole target of shit-stirring. This is because the Cheok has gotten himself attached, and refuses to partake of thine holy grail (or rather, thine unholy shit-kwali). That being said, I still remain moderator and founder of the blog... which gives me divine right of avoidance.

Stay tuned: we've got a great idea coming up. One with the potential to rock the very foundations of hilarity as we know them.

Yes, we are that damned good.