Saturday, September 09, 2006

Just When You Thought The Coast Was Clear...

Whilst admittedly this site faces a dozen and one future problems in maintaining its dynamism, recent events have served to remind all crew of Central 6 that even in our darkest hours, legends are born the way phoenixes rise from the ashes: fresh off the press not 2 hours ago, I am proud to announce our very first...


Fresh from the debacle of the Colin and Kero saga...

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... Syahzan, determined to breakout of the mould of extremist homosexuality, assembled an entourage of credible eyewitnesses so as to witness an exhibition his newfound secret powers - skills he has apparently spent the past 3 month holidays perfecting. Spying a completely inebriated caucasian female performing what appeared to be a western version of Kabuki dance smack in the middle of EIC's sub-par performance (clearly showing that she was drunk beyond compare, because no sober person would feel the express desire to headbang to such a dead performance), he fired off his top-secret and incredibly mysterious directional pheromones, much to the awe and unanimous gasps of the half-dozen strong audience.

This radical and intense qi-gong in turn resulted in aforementioned angmoh cha bor abruptly abandoning her primal attempts at Dance-Dance Revolution, only to begin prowling for the source of the overwhelming qi. It was only a matter of time before she discerned the source of the mysterious allure, and proceeded to french Syahzan in front of an amazed audience.

Yes folks, this is true; while there have been instances which dispute the accuracy of Central 6's reporting of factual accounts, this represents an instance whereby multiple correlations from several eyewitnesses can be used to substantiate our observations; in other words, Paul Elias Mark and I all saw it. Soom-pah.

However, Syahzan did experience a small amount of dismay when the stupid angmoh got her initial interpretation of the directional pheromones wrong, and proceeded to french another guy (this fella, Ian) before correctly locating the target source. So, umm, basically Syahzan got 2nd helpings.

But still! As PengCheng22 has so observantly pointed out, a legend has nevertheless been born this very day - From the ashes of the past, a new Mr AMK has arisen - Syahzan, MR ANG MOH KILLER.

Ladies and gentlemen, mark carefully this day - a legend has been born. With the incorporation of the new and untapped angmoh element, Central 6 will never be the same again. Soom-pah.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Every End Is A New Beginning

Semester 1's heading into week 4 and STILL no activity.

No new members - Mark Koh is hoarding all his images and video clips, although I need partly accept blame for that because I haven't gotten around to adding his ass to the new board.

Wait - WHAT new board? We haven't even found fucking replacements, man!

It's either we incorporate fresh blood, or we redo the package (I think Chow has some idea coming along), or we go anonymous and start fucking destroying random people around arts.

I quite like the last idea, but that's just me.

Hai. That stupid Phua CB, go arts camp beo girls then never find fresh blood! No hope already lah, like that - arts camp OGL also never find new shit-stirrers...