With Each Dying Breath...
As everyone should by now know, the school semester came upon us like a fucking force-ten gale, whirlpooling truckloads of shit into the open and propagating the trade of scandals openly as though they were White Rabbit Sweets... Alas, all good things ('good' is a highly arguable term, really) must necessarily come to an end, and so we find Central 6 - I refer now to the library, and not the blog specifically - having to bid farewell to a core group of members and contributors:
Chalk - Cousin and Numero Uno target of lambasting
Chow - MVP and therefore commonly associated with the girl who 'only falls in love with the best'
Harold - Photographer, scandal-whore and occasional cad
Paul Chia, Sky God (department of divine assistance)
Huiyi, who has amazingly escaped our target reticles
Umm. Alright, I can't really think of more right now because such decent speeches are hardly the intent of my post. In fact... come to think of it, NOTHING decent ever stems from my posts. But anyway.
I have 2 points.
Firstly, I am in the process of compiling the assorted video clips and pictures from Monday's chalet (Annual Wong Bastards' Chalet night)... This would have been a much easier task, had Harold not cancelled the file transfer 3 minutes from completion. And this was after an hour of waiting - Harold, you ass!
Nevertheless, I have already screened through Huiyi's stockpile of clips and shots, and boy are they a hoot - 263340 kilobytes of hoot, to be exact. It's my aim to compile all this gibberish onto cds, which will eventually (and ideally) land into the hands of all who came. This is obviously a monumental task bespeaking of 1.) my proud efforts as organiser of all things indecent, and 2.) my incredible boredom over the first few weeks of holidays.
Naturally, some teeeeny weeeeeeny bit of censorship is necessary, for reasons best known to the people who... well, who are in the know. So yes - those who still read this site, look forward to the cd.
Secondly, as all things this semester have been i.e. extremely fucking last minute vis-a-vis the chalet, I have done up preliminary designs for a Central 6 tee. Upon finalisation of the aforementioned design (naturally this involves input from as many of the Central 6 library group as possible), i'll get Chalk to pester Michael to give us a good price or something to that effect. But for now, this is my proposal - which may or may not radically change over the next week:

Very the emo, right not? Hmm. We'll see how it goes over the next week.
Chalk - Cousin and Numero Uno target of lambasting
Chow - MVP and therefore commonly associated with the girl who 'only falls in love with the best'
Harold - Photographer, scandal-whore and occasional cad
Paul Chia, Sky God (department of divine assistance)
Huiyi, who has amazingly escaped our target reticles
Umm. Alright, I can't really think of more right now because such decent speeches are hardly the intent of my post. In fact... come to think of it, NOTHING decent ever stems from my posts. But anyway.
I have 2 points.
Firstly, I am in the process of compiling the assorted video clips and pictures from Monday's chalet (Annual Wong Bastards' Chalet night)... This would have been a much easier task, had Harold not cancelled the file transfer 3 minutes from completion. And this was after an hour of waiting - Harold, you ass!
Nevertheless, I have already screened through Huiyi's stockpile of clips and shots, and boy are they a hoot - 263340 kilobytes of hoot, to be exact. It's my aim to compile all this gibberish onto cds, which will eventually (and ideally) land into the hands of all who came. This is obviously a monumental task bespeaking of 1.) my proud efforts as organiser of all things indecent, and 2.) my incredible boredom over the first few weeks of holidays.
Naturally, some teeeeny weeeeeeny bit of censorship is necessary, for reasons best known to the people who... well, who are in the know. So yes - those who still read this site, look forward to the cd.
Secondly, as all things this semester have been i.e. extremely fucking last minute vis-a-vis the chalet, I have done up preliminary designs for a Central 6 tee. Upon finalisation of the aforementioned design (naturally this involves input from as many of the Central 6 library group as possible), i'll get Chalk to pester Michael to give us a good price or something to that effect. But for now, this is my proposal - which may or may not radically change over the next week:

Very the emo, right not? Hmm. We'll see how it goes over the next week.