Here are some fillers to keep the ardent fans entertained while we scoop somemore shit. The definitions below resulted from many cups of ice lemon tea* and countless hours of chitty chatty in the arts canteen. Incidentally, the conversational topic below resulted in one our editors, chalk, to spit our laksa gravy through his nose. So without further ado, let us proceed with some not so typical english definitions and let the older editors of Central6 remininsce the good old days.
Demand: Pronounced as The(Dee) Man.
Demeanour( Dee Mee Na): the female version of the mat, aka the girlfriend
of demand
Deflower: the organic object that demand give to demeanour to win her
Deploy: a scheme that demand will hatch.
Divas: used in sentence structure (SS) Deflower is put in divas by
Debrief: the garment that is also known as underwear. SS: Demand wears
Defence: a structure that defines the perimeter of an area
Dysentry: aka guard duty. SS: Demand kanna dystentry when he jumped over
defence to meet demeanour.
Dependant: an orament that demeanour wears around her neck.
Descend: a very nice smell. SS: Descend is very alluring.
Delight: Illuminination. Delight is very bright.
Decoy: the japanese fish
Deduct: a creature that goes quack quack
Desire: a title. SS: Desire is here, pls rise.
Dethrone: the place where desire sits in
Deform: SS: Desire signs on deform to approve the budget
Design: built for the intent to direct, educate and instruct.
Demise: the plural form of mouse
Determination: the process of stopping
Describe: a person that writes for desire
Demoralise: the righteous parasite in one's hair
Device: unhealthy habits. Prostitution is device
Delay: the process of being f***ed
Decline: customers. SS: Decline went to geylang to look for device to get
Debate: an organic or inorganic material to catch decoy
*Central6 do not normally endorse products that are easily obtainable by the mass, however the ice lemone tea of The Deck is simply too alluring to not to be awarded a brief mention on Central6, bascially it costs on 50 cents.
Demand: Pronounced as The(Dee) Man.
Demeanour( Dee Mee Na): the female version of the mat, aka the girlfriend
of demand
Deflower: the organic object that demand give to demeanour to win her
Deploy: a scheme that demand will hatch.
Divas: used in sentence structure (SS) Deflower is put in divas by
Debrief: the garment that is also known as underwear. SS: Demand wears
Defence: a structure that defines the perimeter of an area
Dysentry: aka guard duty. SS: Demand kanna dystentry when he jumped over
defence to meet demeanour.
Dependant: an orament that demeanour wears around her neck.
Descend: a very nice smell. SS: Descend is very alluring.
Delight: Illuminination. Delight is very bright.
Decoy: the japanese fish
Deduct: a creature that goes quack quack
Desire: a title. SS: Desire is here, pls rise.
Dethrone: the place where desire sits in
Deform: SS: Desire signs on deform to approve the budget
Design: built for the intent to direct, educate and instruct.
Demise: the plural form of mouse
Determination: the process of stopping
Describe: a person that writes for desire
Demoralise: the righteous parasite in one's hair
Device: unhealthy habits. Prostitution is device
Delay: the process of being f***ed
Decline: customers. SS: Decline went to geylang to look for device to get
Debate: an organic or inorganic material to catch decoy
*Central6 do not normally endorse products that are easily obtainable by the mass, however the ice lemone tea of The Deck is simply too alluring to not to be awarded a brief mention on Central6, bascially it costs on 50 cents.
where is debunk? deliver? depress? demoralise?
De bunk is where Demand sleeps in after he did dysentry of defence.
Depress is the place where demand gets his news
Deliver is an organ in your body
Demoralise is the righteous organism living in demand's head when he never shower properly.
OMG you are damn funny lar chow. Ogiginal sial :)
It was a collective effort :)
this is like super lame ah..... anyway, decide= the view that one can see. Desanitized= the process of cleaning up after F**king. Dew= The process of hateing to identical person UU.
it took me sometime to stop laughing.
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